It All Began With a Question.

Could we bridge the gap between traditional culture and modern ingenuity to create an oasis of abundance and positivity?

The answer is YES, and its called

Bomanoma is Africa’s premier off-grid eco-lodge, organic permaculture farm, and digital nomad oasis located just outside of Narok, Kenya. We offer unique accommodations, modern amenities, a restaurant and tiki bar, excursions and safaris for the adventurous, and a variety of volunteer opportunities.

Established in 2022, Bomanoma is an intersection of tradition, culture, time, and space. Using old things in new ways and new things in old ways, we pay tribute to the past while creating a better tomorrow - all while welcoming guests from around the world to join in on, and contribute to, the experience. Nestled amongst wild sage trees with blue sky above and pink quartz below, Bomanoma sits on three acres of land at 6,277 ft. above sea level, between the vast Mau Forest to the north and world-renowned Masai Mara National Reserve to the south. Located in the splendor of the Great Rift Valley amongst Kenya’s famous Maasai tribe, our international guests make Bomanoma a true convergence of traditions and cultures from around the world.

Did you know…Bomanoma originated after owners Brian and Selina, along with their friend Nell, walked 1,088 miles (1,760 km) across East Africa - crossing Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda on foot - in 2019!

Bomanoma is 100% off-grid. Sustainability is Bomanoma’s major focus - we collect rainwater, are solar powered, have a food forest, compost food waste, keep bees, and re-use single-use bottles as water feeders for the crops. By integrating positive aspects of traditional Maasai culture with the benefits of modern ingenuity, Bomanoma is an oasis away from the materialistic, ego-driven, environment-destroying, chaotic world in which modern society has come to accept as normal.

Bomanoma’s greatest challenge is consistent access to clean water. Located in a drought-prone, semi-arid region of rural Kenya, maintaining the organic farm is challenging. Bomanoma sits atop the AFNE1 Rift Aquifer; a borehole would need to be drilled approximately 660 feet into the earth to access the never-ending supply of fresh water. A solar pump would bring the water to the surface where it would be used for drinking, crop irrigation, and to share with the community during times of drought.

Come visit! Contact us or click here for directions. Please note: we have five big, friendly dogs. We also have 14 (also friendly) bee hives on the property. If you are uncomfortable around dogs or bees, please reconsider your visit.

So…We Did a Thing.

We - Brian (founder, Arrive) & Ntiankiki a.k.a. Selina (founder, Nashipai) - are the co-founders of Bomanoma. In December 2019 we settled down and moved onto the land which would eventually become Bomanoma, building a small home and farm for ourselves. We did not anticipate the steady influx of visitors: friends, tourists, locals, and just about everyone else. Because of how much people loved our homestead, we decided to turn it into an establishment, and thus Bomanoma was born.

2021 was a busy year for us! We got married, had our first beautiful baby girl named Zuri Naeku, and began establishing Bomanoma. Construction was completed in 2022, and we couldn’t be more proud of what we’ve created. We can’t wait to meet you at Bomanoma!

What’s in a Logo?

Each aspect of our logo - the cottage, the sun, the tree, and the fingerprint - represents Bomanoma’s core values.

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